The dark knight returns to the gaming world once again in what can only be described as the best game of 2011. Arkham city is bigger, badder and well the only other word i can think of right now that comes close to doing it justice is "Awesome".
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The story follows on directly from the successful 2009 Arkham Asylum and it doesn't waste any time sending you straight into the action. This game is every Batman fans wet dream, there are so many famous villains thrown into the game that you will literally be squealing with joy. Its not just the villains that are make Arkham City the big game that it is, rather than just Batman and with the help of DLC packages, you can now take control over Catwomen and my own personal favourite hero Robin.
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Graphically, Arkham City is absolutely stunning in every single way that a game can be. From the detailed backgrounds to the eventual wear and tear of Batman's costume through out the game, a lot of attention has been paid to the level of detail given in this game. Of course a game featuring the caped crusader would not be complete without the scores of music that it has become most known for. Also the voice acting throughout the entire game is both immaculate and gripping.
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If you have played Arkham Asylum before then you will be no stranger to the gameplay that you would expect with Arkham City. The way that you control Batman is almost flawless, everything seems to be very well thought out. The movements during melee fights are easy to master and even easier to chain together to build up combos. Even though the odds may be overwhelming at times, thanks to the simplicity of the controls, it actually makes you feel like you could take on the world as Batman and still come off the winner.
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Arkham City is not just about swooping in and kicking the crap out of the goons that roam the streets of Arkham city, sometimes the best way to deal with your enemies is to be as stealthy as possible. Hiding in the corners of the rafters and using your batarangs to misplace the enemies attention while you swoop down to take them out as quietly and quickly as you can is amazingly rewarding, giving you a very unique Batman experience. Its even better to wait for your enemy to wander below you, drop down and string them up as a warning to their fellow goons.
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Arkham City's story is very loose so it gives you plenty of chance to get out and explore your vast surroundings at your own leisure. There is a lot more to Arkham City than just it's story, the city is literally littered with countless amounts of side quests to keep you occupied. The best of the side quests has got to be finding the Riddler trophies, this will definitely take up a lot of your time. All the side quests add to the already vast lifespan of Arkham City complimenting the story mode perfectly as they run along side each other.
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Arkham City has also recieved a fair amount of DLC content. I have already mentioned the Catwomen package, which runs along side Batman's story and is a must have really as it expands the entire game. There are also costume packs and a character packs that can be used with the challenge maps.
Another DLC which was released is called Harley Quinn's Revenge and is possibly the main DLC content that you should purchase as it continues Arkham City's main story from several weeks after it ended. You also get the chance to play as Robin who is searching for a missing Batman.
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For all comic book fans, movie fans, game fans and basically any human being out there that has any taste, this game is a must have. Arkham City is possibly the best super-hero focused game that is out there.
Arkham City deserves the 9.5 that i am giving it.
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